What You Need to Start Your Career as an Esthetician

With the increased focus on skincare in recent years, it's no wonder that the beauty industry is flourishing. And this could mean amazing job opportunities in a booming industry. If you're considering a career as an esthetician, here's what you need to know.

What Is an Esthetician?

An esthetician is in charge of beautifying the skin, which typically involves facials, waxing, and other treatments. An esthetician can work in many different settings—salons, spas, and medical/cosmetic offices are a few places where you can find an esthetician. Estheticians also commonly work in product manufacturing, as manufacturers must approve their products with estheticians.

Although estheticians typically work in a variety of environments, many are self-employed. This means that you may have to travel to various locations and do everything from marketing to babysitting. But there are also estheticians who work full time in salons and spas.

What Training Do You Need to Become an Esthetician?

To become an esthetician, you must first get a state license. This means if you want to work in Colorado, you need to take the state exam. The training, however, is regulated by individual states as well, but it is all very similar.

The basic training to become an esthetician consists of a few levels of schooling. First, you'll need a certificate in esthetics. A certificate course will typically take one to two years to complete, during which you'll learn how to perform facials and other procedures. Graduates can then move on to an esthetics license, which is the second level of training that you must complete. An esthetician license course takes about one to two years as well.

This second-level course will cover much of the same information as the certificate course, but also include a greater emphasis on skin conditions and treatment. This is a very important component of the training, as it will be necessary for you to know what type of treatment to recommend depending on certain skin conditions.

Finally, after completing your esthetician license, you can move on to the third level of training: training in a medical or cosmetic setting. This training is significant because it will expose you to a variety of products and techniques commonly used in the medical or cosmetic world. You will also be able to gain valuable experience working in a professional setting.

After you've completed your training and obtained your license, you will still need to put in a lot of hard work to earn a living. Estheticians typically charge by the hour, so you'll want to make sure you take on clients who are willing to pay a reasonable amount for the services you perform.

How to Find a Job as an Esthetician

The best way to find an esthetician job is to network with people in the industry. Talk to your esthetician license instructors, as they will be your first point of contact in the industry. Attending industry conferences, seminars, and classes are also good ways to learn about job openings.

Finally, keep an eye out for online job postings. Estheticians all over the country work remotely, so it's possible that you could find an online job that would be perfect for you.

Final Thoughts

Becoming an esthetician is a great career choice and can be very lucrative. You'll find a variety of job possibilities, and you'll be able to make a positive impact on people's lives through what you do. You'll have to put in a lot of hard work, but the rewards are well worth it.

Start your career as an esthetician with Northern Colorado Advanced Aesthetics Academy. We provide an advanced aesthetics skin care program so you can level up your career as an esthetician. We ensure students get the best hands-on training needed for this growing field. Enroll now!